The Wikileaks of Hillary’s emails, according to Assange, when connected together, result in a “rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates.”
The thread of evidence running through her 30,000 emails and email attachments demonstrate her role in the “absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya”, “the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of the country…”
Hillary has a direct link to the build up of ISIS and arming the jihadists according to her email trail, according to Assange, and with this knowledge, there is hope of reform and change.
“Why I Created WikiLeaks’ Searchable Database of Clinton’s Private Server” can be viewed on the following page.
hillary and obama have a baby named ISIS
Release the proof now please
Yes she did
Every time he denies his Islamic faith & claims to be a Christian it’s an insult to true Christians!! Anyone that bows that low to an Ayatollah is SO Islamic it’s absolutely PATHETIC!!! He might as well be kissing his testicles!!! Talk about a Muslim terrorist implant infiltrating not only the United States, but sitting in the most powerful office in the land!!!! AND FOR TWO FREAKIN’ TERMS!!!!
Of course, that is the subordinates role or job. Remember though, that it was Obama arms trade agreement reversal before the UN in 2009, that made all this possible.
She is the anti-Christ.
Not sure how true it is that Hillary gave money to ISIS – but what I posted below is more damning and factual –
This blows my mind! Don’t believe me?
Google it, use Wikipedia, or MSNBC! I cite the liberal media so Liberals don’t call the FACTS biased!
Incase you aren’t aware, Jordan and Saudi Arabia fund ISIS to help them overthrow Assad and take control of Syria, and eventually Iraq to restore their Caliph – or what the Muslims believe to be their land dating back to the Ottoman Empire!
Saudi Arabia has given $50 million dollars to Hillary Clinton to fund her campaign! So the same people that fund ISIL or ISIS, same diff, just more states, also fund Hillary!
These are not hidden facts, you can’t throw a rock at the Internet without hitting them – no one tries to hide these facts, they are there in plain site! Nor do I see anyone, including Hillary disputing them!
Hillary, when she was in office, gave money to the very same governments who want to kill us, and now, she is taking blood money from them to fund her campaign! Most of her money comes from these Arabic countries – money with American blood on it – and she takes it in hand over fist!
My fellow Americans – Democrat or Republiban – “There is a HUGE difference between having your enemy’s blood on your hands versus having your brothers blood on your hands!
The hostages in Tehran, Iran waited on a plane sitting on the Tarmac were told they would be taking off in 20 minutes. After two hours went by, one of the hostages asked the pilot what they were waiting for, of course being anxious to get in the air and get out of Iran to safety!
The pilot replied, “We are waiting for another plane to land before we can take off.”
The plane landed, it was loaded with $400 million dollars in cash – the plane with the hostages took off soon after (soon after the Iranian government had enough time to verify the money was all there and legit I would presume).
The next day, Obama, The President of the United States, announced we had innocently paid back some of the money we owed Iran, oh……and they released a small group of hostages to us……he then lied to the American people and said that the cash was not ransom money, it was just a coincidence that the hostages were released at the same time we sent the cash.
Iran, a known supporter of terrorism, then turned around and gave much of that money to ISIS and Al Quieda. These two terrorist groups will now use that money to purchase weapons to kill more Americans!
If I give my enemy a machine gun, and he kills my brother, don’t I have my brothers blood on my hands?
Obama and Hilary have American blood on their hands – My fellow Americans, Democrat or Republican – there is a HUGE difference between having the blood of your enemy on your hands versus the blood of your brothers.
Democrats – HOW can you look at yourselves in the mirror and support her? That?
Democrats – your wife is coming home wearing another mans shirt, and telling you lies that she isn’t cheating! Your husband Obama is coming home with lipstick on his shirt and lying to you that he isn’t cheating – yet you fools keep supporting them!
When are you going to open your eyes and see the truth – when it’s too late?
And now the rest of the story – the next day, the Iranian government took two more of our fellow Americans hostage – FACT!