Wikileaks has managed to get a hold of the highly secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership deal and reveals what has been reported for years – this deal is hardly about trade at all. Up till now, any cry that this was a sovereignty killer was simply regarded as conspiracy theory.
With the contents now exposed, we can see that there is no theory here it all: It is a fasist coup for any country that signs it.
The substance of agreement matches our reports going back to 2013. Only 5 of the 29 chapters have anything to do with trade. The other 24 chapters deal with everything from Internet regulation to handling of labor. That’s right, corporations will dictate how labor issues are handled within the United States, superceding our own courts (they have their own)…and that’s hardly all.
Congress this so called treaty will ruin our country.
Welcome communist America
Talk about New World Order…. This is scary stuff if it is true…Knowing Obama and his real feelings about America it probably is
Are Congress and Senate are a bunch of Benedict Arnolds who have sold us out I hope you’re the ones fall first
Where have you been?
Then do something about obama
Your faulty verification gizmo needs some attention. .. or is the info you’re pedaling as inadequate as your verification process?
Regardless of what you say… the above IS my email address & if you refuse to accept mine how many others are you refusing also. Perhaps hundreds of potential supporters
take him to court
Keep up the good work Wikileaks…..