Anytime someone who holds a prominent position within a politically controversial group such as WikiLeaks dies, attention is focused on the event and suspicions regarding the cause of death arise.
This has been highlighted recently with rumors of the death of Julian Assange. Prior to that, it took law enforcement a suspiciously long time to respond to a break-in attempt at the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Assange lives. All of this puts those watching the events surrounding WikiLeaks and Assange on edge.
So we now learn that Gavin MacFadyen has died. To say that he was a controversial individual is to put it mildly. Perhaps best known for his work with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, MacFadyen had quite a career prior to the current controversy.
So what do we know about MacFadyen and his death? More on page two.
Clinton at it again?
I agree
Sad to say but I thought Clinton’s too. That is sad we have good cause to speculate
not true
I’m thinking the same thing …. Clintons again !!!
Very sad and deeply troubling.
My first thought was the Clintons
Imagine that! Hillary’s up to her killing spree again!
Happens every time they find something on Hillary….no speculation they just haven’t caught her games yet and I’m sure there is someone there to take her fall….she’s a witch!
Old news, just more BS