Hillary Clinton’s repeated claim that she did not know she was breaking the law when she misused her email servers just got that much harder to buy following yet another shocking revelation.
For someone to not know they are breaking the law, it would have to be proven that the individual acted in a way that would indicate they were genuinely unaware of any statues prohibiting the behavior or act in question. Of course, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, but at least it shows the person was acting in good faith and not actively trying to violate the law.
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Clinton’s = Criminals
You can just see all that crazy$#%&!@*going on in those two$#%&!@*stains head.
Evil twins. Lol.
the devil and her spawn.
You can see the evil.
the CUNTins lying pigs
To bad Chelsea looks like her real father. (NotBill) she is downright ugly.
How can you deny that chezlee is the love child of hillary and Mr. Ed ?!?!?!
That is a whole lot of ugly!
It’s wonderful just knowing these loser’s are history …