Hillary Clinton’s repeated claim that she did not know she was breaking the law when she misused her email servers just got that much harder to buy following yet another shocking revelation.
For someone to not know they are breaking the law, it would have to be proven that the individual acted in a way that would indicate they were genuinely unaware of any statues prohibiting the behavior or act in question. Of course, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, but at least it shows the person was acting in good faith and not actively trying to violate the law.
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Satan and it’s spawn
two of the ugliest ASSWIPES CRIMINALS SHITBAGS in the USA.
pet your donkey HILLARY
She’s a despicable human being
How can this woman show her face in public ?
Yep the nut didn’t fall far from the tree on this one
The scumbag doesn’t fall far from the scumbag tree.
More lies, both need jail time
Chelsea’s been pretty quiet since she last showed her$#%&!@*in public.