More good news! Those thousands of Syrians that Obama is hell-bent to bring here are probably about the same caliber of the ones in Germany. The top social welfare organization in Germany reports the refugees are having a great time happily raping the women and children in the Hessen refugee camp. But, not to worry, its all encouraged and allowed under Sharia law. Read more on what we can expect here on the next page:
Raymond Narvaiz
send them back in syria
This is horrible
wrong . They are plants waiting to spring into action!
I think we are both right!! They deserve nothing. Send them back to face the music!!
Ever been to the dog pound? Even strange dogs get along
The hypocrisy of these Muslims.
These people are not refugees they are a plague of destruction and chaos. They don’t care what country they destroy as long as it becomes a wastland.
I’m so surprised
You can’t be sure this is what Muslims do they rape women and children the top Imam just got arrested for it
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