Why doesn’t Obama show his birth certificate, Trump asks the woman on the View. Of course they went crazy…
Whoopi said, “Donald I love you, but that is the biggest pile of dog mess I’ve heard in ages! It isn’t cuz he’s black is it? I think every white president has to be shown the birth certificate to become the President of the United States of America, you know he’s American. I think that’s bs.”
Donald Trump has claimed that after he had offered Obama $5 million to show his birth certificate, he upped the offering to $50 million, to be dispensed to charities of Obama’s choosing .
The Trump campaign said it only asked that the Democratic president to show his birth certificate.
Trump states that Obama never responded to the offer.
Whoopi throws her authentic race card at Trump, accusing him of racism for wanting to see proof of birth.
Watch the fiery exchange on the following page.
Whoopi is a black pig
And bet they all love obama too… they prolly related or gettin paid or some$#%&!@*. AMERICA THERES ALOTA$#%&!@*GOING ON YOU NEEDA KNOW BOUT…$#%&!@*Islam…$#%&!@*racist ppl…$#%&!@*liars
If they had check it 8 yrs. ago, we would,nt be in this mess. Shut the hell up WHOOP$#%&!@* all presidents should be vetted.
Whoopi Goldberg and the rest of the view and the people that run the show are nothing but filthy racist
Whoopie you can do one nobody will miss you
Whoopi is so big…if she and Michael Moore got on the same plane……everyone else would have to get off so they could fly…She has blown up like the Goodyear blimp.
Who listens to this$#%&!@* Go away whoopi.
Whoopie the Whale is invited to depart this country by the quickest available means! She will certainly not be missed!
I have noticed, more Black being racist then white on the internet
The only reason this$#%&!@*is defending Ojackass is because he’s black. If he were white and there was a question of his birth, she would be the one demanding an honest birth certificate. She is the racist, not Trump.