If The View has been known for anything over the years it’s been on television, it’s that the women who host it are good at two things . . . being loud and not knowing what they’re talking about, as was proved by Whoopi Goldberg when asked her thoughts on the Pope’s visit to the United States. She used the question to push her liberal agenda and show that she’s not exactly the best person to be weighing in on religious issues.
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she is an idiot wrapped in a moron
An ugly heart bears ugly fruit.
Stupid is as stupid does
Open the Bible and read 2 Timothy Chapter 4 Verses 1-4, you will see why she likes it. But, you might as well start on Chapter 3 because it describes what people like her and this world are becoming so quickly it’s scary. Oh and remember this was written around the year 50 A.D.
do you get it whoopi?
You mean, it goes along with your Hollywoodized version of what you think the Bible says. Watered down and polluted.
She shows she has not read the bible, and it sure is not the Catholic Bible, or any version of the Christian bible, because if she had she would not have said such a thing?
What the hell is that on her head??
Whoopi, I don’t think you or the pope gets it.
I’m sure the Pope is proud to have the endorsement of such a profound bible scholar as Goldberg. Now he can feel legitimate.