Whoopi Goldberg: Finally A Pope Who Has Read The Bible and ‘Gets it’

When asked about the Pope’s visit by CNN’s Don Lemon, Goldberg claims that this the first time she’s been interested in religion since John XXIII who reigned as Pope from 1958 to 1963. His claim to fame revolved around investigating the concept of contraception.

Goldberg, a self-described “humanist,”said, “This is the first time since probably John XXIII that I have been reinterested and reinvigorated, because this guy, you know, he read the book. He gets it.”

“This guy,” to the co-host of The View, is Pope Francis, and “the book,” is The Bible.

“So if he says, listen, I don’t think you need to be obsessed with gay people,” she continues, “I don’t think that’s what we need to be thinking about. I think we need to be thinking about how do we make our church better? How do we make our church more inclusive?”

According to Goldberg, Pope Francis said, “You know, quit hurting women’s feelings about having gotten an abortion. I don’t want women to get abortions but I understand why they do.”

Lemon further tested Goldberg’s theological knowledge of the Church’s position on abortion.

“You said, there is nothing in The Bible about abortion,” he said. “Someone would challenge you and say, ‘What about thou shall not kill?’”

“Well, if that’s the tactic we are going to take, we have to be pissed at every war and all the things we do,” Goldberg responded.

“Now, no one goes into getting an abortion like it is a party,” she continued. “You know what I mean? This is a hard decision for 97% of the women in the world to make. So you shouldn’t be beating them up, because they have had to make this terrible decision. It’s not your business that they had to make the decision.”

Like many who are more often bashing the media image of the Catholic Church while overlooking its actual teachings, Goldberg fails to separate the Church’s condemnation of the act of abortion – the taking of a human life – from the Church’s compassion for the woman in distress.

Interestingly, Lauren Duca, writing at the Huffington Post in July, asserted that Goldberg “has devolved into a human factory of the absurd.”

“Sitting on her daytime throne at The View,” Duca adds, “she churns out illogical and offensive comments with the force and regularity of one of those ball machines for people who don’t have a friend to play tennis with.”

The ignorance of Whoopi Goldberg on matters of religion is astounding. Liberals create this idea that the church is intolerant of everybody, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. When Islam is labeled a religion of peace and Christianity a religion of intolerance, somebody has their facts backwards.

Source: breitbart.com




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