If The View has been known for anything over the years it’s been on television, it’s that the women who host it are good at two things . . . being loud and not knowing what they’re talking about, as was proved by Whoopi Goldberg when asked her thoughts on the Pope’s visit to the United States. She used the question to push her liberal agenda and show that she’s not exactly the best person to be weighing in on religious issues.
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Maria Alonso respectfully of course it’s going to work for you because Satan is the master of all deception. And scripture even says so!
I realize that Catholics have been conditioned to think this way throughout all of these years and centuries but you have to honestly ask yourself where in Scripture do you find these things in their doctrine that the Catholic Church teaches?
Nowhere biblically can you find anybody in the Bible praying to Mary praying to the Saints to intercede in any way for anybody. Where in Scripture do you see babies being baptized when they have no knowledge of who Christ is or what’s sin it.
I know and realize you acknowledge Jesus Christ as being the Son of God our Lord and Savior and whoever believes in Him and accept him and is baptized for the remission of their sins will live an eternal life, but respectfully where I have to disagree with you and challenge you is in regards and respect to the fact that know where can you find biblically that we are to pray to Mary or any of the saints. That’s a big issue right there let’s find the answer to that one first and then we can move on to other doctrinal differences that do not line up with Scripture.
If all we needed to do is pray to Mary and the Saints and have them intercede on our part between us and God then what was the whole purpose of Jesus Christ coming here being persecuted being whipped and beaten and going to the cross? Please answer this one simple question for me
Man what planet is she from does anybody else see anything wrong with her statement
Have you ever read a Bible? I didn’t think so!!!
What Bible has she read? Certainly not the one 98% of Jews and Christians read. The Pope, well he feels and thinks he can change it it suit his political agenda cause he believes himself to be infallible?
What the hell does she have on her head???
I think its funny how Catholics are unable to answer certain fundamental questions about their religion which leads me to believe that there is no clear answer and that they struggle to find one. If this is the case and you are Catholic then you should start thinking twice about the religion you are following to see if their practices and their doctrine are correct.
Jehovah-Messiah wrote the entire Works of Heaven including BM, D&C, and LDS Conference Talks today—&NO BODY gets anything about Heaven now accept our Prophet & Apostles—so Listen up World for Jesus Christ is the Son of God & he is Coming the 2nd time soon!!! ODL
Whoa…she’s still …..