For modern-day American liberalism to exist and thrive, it requires convincing large segments of the populations that they are victims of rich — typically conservative — white men. This cornerstone of liberal indoctrination comes in many shapes and forms, varying based on which group they are attempting to court.
Lately, we’ve seen the left attempt to paint conservatives as bigoted hate-mongers over the transgender bathroom debate. They have convinced the 0.25% of the population that identifies as transgender that conservatives hate them and just want to make their lives miserable.
The left loves to play the woman card as well. Feminism — the concept that men and women have equal rights and privileges — has been hijacked by radical liberals who believe that free abortions should be available on demand at the taxpayers’ expense. Now, anybody who doesn’t subscribe to modern feminism’s radical, far-left ideology is considered “anti-woman” by the left.
But the left’s favorite card to play is the race card. Liberals have — successfully — convinced most members of the black community that they are victims of white people, and Democrats will solve all of their problems.
When lefties get really desperate to court the African-American vote, they float the idea of slavery reparations. Recently, a speaker at Portland Community College told students that white people owe black people over $20 trillion in slavery reparations.
To watch the (white) speaker discuss why all white people need to empty their pockets to black people regardless of incomes, continue reading on the next page:
Well as long as you owe someone they will never be broke put it on a dusty account and let the rain settle it
Let’s start paying REPARATIONS to all SLAVES that are STILL ALIVE in the USA TODAY !
Time to stop with this BLACK C**P….. Perhaps those that are still advocating reparations, should return to their ancestral homeland !
A good chase by a Lion, may just be what they need….
They owe white people 40 billion for all the money we pay out to house them feed them the medical services for all the welfare they get Food stamps section 8 social security they steal white people are tired of these assholes
The only thing I owe is my bills and pay them every month
SO…. How bout the money blacks owe whites… many of us whites died to free ya all, the whites went into debt to wage that war…the whites fought for your equality.. the whites have suffered discrimination due to “Equal” opportunity that encourages black advancement when in many cases the black person is not qualified for the position, causing a loss of income and then lost jobs for the whites…I think that the score is more than even and we need real equality.
Interesting mathematics from someone who couldn’t learn to make change at a fast food restaurant.
Always looking for a handout!!!!!!
I want a refund from the War on Poverty, Earned Income Credit, HUD Housing, Head Start, Affirmative Action, interest, ad nauseum. I think certain folks would still owe us money!
Nope owe nothing pay back all welfare and call it i