Everything bad in the world is because of Christianity, according to Paul Kivel, a lecturer at the 2016 White Privilege Conference, in Philadelphia. He made the preposterous statement that every dysfunction found in society, from sexism to racism, a weak economy and global warming is all because of what he labels as “Christian hegemony”.
Kivel’s book and website define Christian hegemony as “a system of domination is complex, shifting, and operates through the agency of individuals, families, church communities, denominations, parachurch organizations, civil institutions, and through decisions made by members of the ruling class and power elite.”
Kivel ignores the truth found throughout history that women, slaves, children, and gladiators were consistently viewed as property and without value in most cultures. However, Jesus changed the message in first century Rome, putting into place the idea that equality and human rights are from God and come by virtue of being made in the image of God. Without this “evil” biblical principle, Kivel seems to believe that society would be better.
Read more is Kivels ludicrous propaganda that he spewed at the White Privilege Conference on the next page.
We get it; Marxist Jews hate white Christians.
Sick bastards, Christians are being massacred all over the world and this is the best you can come up with.
What a crock of$#%&!@* Some people will say any outrageous thing to gain their 15 minuets of fame, no matter how asinine.
Well, wewon’t worry about him going to heaven.
It’s what kept the world afloat.
Where do we get these professors?
After all if you’re stupid and you talk stupid that’s all you know talking about the professor bringing Christian to for everything
Im not christian and even i think this is ridiculous. I do however, dislike the vatican, they hide knowledge and decide what is and isnt true in the bible, and there have been parts cut out and mistranslated to fit some sort of agenda. Its the reason im not christian. All knowledge is value. I dont like secrets. Im all for hiding the knowledge behind symbols. Symbolism is extremely important. Wisdom stems from symbols, it hides but its right in front of your face. Believe what you will. As long as your fight is for freedom, then you are light, you are an angel. You are Horus. If you fight for control, power, and self indulgence, then you are Set. If you kill, in the name of your lord, you are Sekhmet. Your thoughts are that of Thoth, the balance between Horus and Set. If Jesus was a real person as a singularity, he would have been an incarnation of pure light. I think Jesus could have been a group of people as a possibility. Theres 0 evidence to support his existance besides stories. Just like any other religion. However, whatever works for you works. Just because im not christian, does not mean i will burn in hell. Christianity doesnt make you privileged, it does not make you better than someone who isnt, nor does it give you an exalted place in heaven over those who arent christian. We are all equal. We are all pure, unless you let darkness taint you. I enjoy reading comments, and i accept anyone elses input. Dont give me any of that pushy fear ridden devil c**p though, ill just laugh at you. I am Light, just like the rest of you, but just like Jesus, i have my own path, i have my own mission to help those in need of spiritual wisdom. Im well versed in egyptian mythology, and have a moderate amount of knowledge from all different religions. Different areas of the world grew slowly, and in each area spawned a prophet, or some sort of divine person. Divine enough to influence entire cultures. Just because your religion teaches yours is the only one does not make it so. They all say that…just about…so remember that next time your judge a person wearing and Ankh, a pentagram, a star of david, or whatever it may be. Because you do know all the things they have sacrificed to help another, to lead a life of light. Peace be with all of you. Praise the One.
Well that is completely retarded.