Everything bad in the world is because of Christianity, according to Paul Kivel, a lecturer at the 2016 White Privilege Conference, in Philadelphia. He made the preposterous statement that every dysfunction found in society, from sexism to racism, a weak economy and global warming is all because of what he labels as “Christian hegemony”.
Kivel’s book and website define Christian hegemony as “a system of domination is complex, shifting, and operates through the agency of individuals, families, church communities, denominations, parachurch organizations, civil institutions, and through decisions made by members of the ruling class and power elite.”
Kivel ignores the truth found throughout history that women, slaves, children, and gladiators were consistently viewed as property and without value in most cultures. However, Jesus changed the message in first century Rome, putting into place the idea that equality and human rights are from God and come by virtue of being made in the image of God. Without this “evil” biblical principle, Kivel seems to believe that society would be better.
Read more is Kivels ludicrous propaganda that he spewed at the White Privilege Conference on the next page.
HEy did you hear, they made a holiday for Atheiset….Its Called April Fools day April First. Fitting isnt it
All of the people in this meeting should be sterilized for the sake of our nation. Hell, go all the way and just rid the world of them.
And your not a Problem Mr. Know it All ?
Jon Evans…the blind know that light exists. They know it exists because they are in darkness and know that such a state is not normal.
No….it doesn’t matter to me that archeologists find anything to validate the scriptures. Man’s ability to prove anything in its pages is irrelevant.
The Bible says that God’s word is foolishness to those that do not believe. Much of what is contained in its pages must be taken on faith alone.
The virgin birth is wholly absurd without faith. Jesus Christ raised from the dead after being dead for 3 days. ..absurd and illogical. The reality is these are not provable in and of themselves. Ask yourself this though. Christ’s followers saw him die. Roman soldiers confirmed his death ( extra biblical references talk about Christ and His crucifixion ). These same followers that saw Him die saw Him again after he arose. They openly spoke and wrote of it. Almost all of these disciples met with gruesome executions when all they had to do was deny what they saw. How many people do you know that would die for a lie? I bet none.
Are you truly looking for a logical argument on here?
I can bring up prophecy and how multiple writers over thousands of years wrote prophecies about Jesus Christ…all of which came true in one man Jesus Christ. With the number of prophecies the likelihood they would all be fulfilled in this one person is essentially an exponential impossibility. I heard it said that it would be like winning the powerball lottery and being struck by lightening the same day.
Ding bats. They have to find someone to blame besides themselves.
Soon God will destroy all these stupid people and we will inherit the world.
Rot in hell–
Caleb Jennings the crusades happened to stop the Moslem invaders from taking over Europe. And all the Christian religions started out as Catholic.
Do not bash the Catholics
Uneducated in God
Without Christianity all civilization crumbles !!! Jesus is Lord