Everything bad in the world is because of Christianity, according to Paul Kivel, a lecturer at the 2016 White Privilege Conference, in Philadelphia. He made the preposterous statement that every dysfunction found in society, from sexism to racism, a weak economy and global warming is all because of what he labels as “Christian hegemony”.
Kivel’s book and website define Christian hegemony as “a system of domination is complex, shifting, and operates through the agency of individuals, families, church communities, denominations, parachurch organizations, civil institutions, and through decisions made by members of the ruling class and power elite.”
Kivel ignores the truth found throughout history that women, slaves, children, and gladiators were consistently viewed as property and without value in most cultures. However, Jesus changed the message in first century Rome, putting into place the idea that equality and human rights are from God and come by virtue of being made in the image of God. Without this “evil” biblical principle, Kivel seems to believe that society would be better.
Read more is Kivels ludicrous propaganda that he spewed at the White Privilege Conference on the next page.
So much for religous freedom !!
Sorry we don’t rape children and treat women like$#%&!@* our bad.
Can’t argue with history . Spanish Inquisition,crusades, Westborough Church. Bombings of abortion clinics. Roman Catholic$#%&!@*and ethic cleansing. Christianity has the highest body count then any other religion.
Sheer stupidity
How can Christianity be the cause and the solutions.?
God have mercy on them and please give them back their brains!
I do believe the whites leading this had to be paid off. Why would you put your race down and blame it and religion on the problems made by each person. In my opinion they should be arrested for terrorism. They remind me of$#%&!@*and his ideals. Just my opinion.
Enough is enough. Christians don’t force you to become one. Back off.
Yes blame the whites. This is so old
Hitler was a Catholic, the Catholic churches of Spain helped Nazis escape capture by the allies. How do you think so many Nazis ended up in Argentina? Also, Stalin was Catholic as well. Don’t get to pick and choose who’s in your faith. Ask the Templars about their thoughts on the church. Oh you can’t. Why? The pope ordered all the Templars that could be rounded up to be executed. Spanish inquisition anyone? Join us or loose your head after some torture sound familiar? Don’t stand on your pulpit and state that a religion following in your religions footsteps is a lesser one to yours. Why anyone needs to fear the invisible man to have meaning in their life is beyond me anyhow.