Everything bad in the world is because of Christianity, according to Paul Kivel, a lecturer at the 2016 White Privilege Conference, in Philadelphia. He made the preposterous statement that every dysfunction found in society, from sexism to racism, a weak economy and global warming is all because of what he labels as “Christian hegemony”.
Kivel’s book and website define Christian hegemony as “a system of domination is complex, shifting, and operates through the agency of individuals, families, church communities, denominations, parachurch organizations, civil institutions, and through decisions made by members of the ruling class and power elite.”
Kivel ignores the truth found throughout history that women, slaves, children, and gladiators were consistently viewed as property and without value in most cultures. However, Jesus changed the message in first century Rome, putting into place the idea that equality and human rights are from God and come by virtue of being made in the image of God. Without this “evil” biblical principle, Kivel seems to believe that society would be better.
Read more is Kivels ludicrous propaganda that he spewed at the White Privilege Conference on the next page.
Good Lord Liberals ARE stupid!!
This abortion of a so called lecturer needs a good$#%&!@*kicking. I am not a religious person but I know right from wrong and I choose right and JESUS was So, Not these$#%&!@*pricks that stand up for the shitheads of this world that try to force their evil ways on god loving people. Idiots like him have no place teaching anyone anything.
No, stupidity is the real problem. How many Christians or Jews have you heard about blowing themselves up along with innocent civilians, or cutting of people’s heads because they won’t change to your faith, or raping children, or 50 year old men marrying 6 year old girls? Correct answer is Islam and muslims. Ignorance and stupidity is the greatest threat to America. Deport all muslims, liberal socialists, and LGBT people, and America will be great again!
Special kind of stupid
I’m sorry but someone mistakenly typed Christanity instead of “self-seeking mankind”!!
Thats what you get for turning the other cheek. You bitches ready to fight for your God now? Just wondering?? Or is it gonna be the same ol’ bs line? No, time to fight fire with fire!
That’s for damn sure! Lisa, I worked 40 years helping make concrete and asphalt and worked 7-12s plus every week and these cry baby’s can’t work a few hours a week for their warfare, and pass a drug test.
Warped nonsense!