Everything bad in the world is because of Christianity, according to Paul Kivel, a lecturer at the 2016 White Privilege Conference, in Philadelphia. He made the preposterous statement that every dysfunction found in society, from sexism to racism, a weak economy and global warming is all because of what he labels as “Christian hegemony”.
Kivel’s book and website define Christian hegemony as “a system of domination is complex, shifting, and operates through the agency of individuals, families, church communities, denominations, parachurch organizations, civil institutions, and through decisions made by members of the ruling class and power elite.”
Kivel ignores the truth found throughout history that women, slaves, children, and gladiators were consistently viewed as property and without value in most cultures. However, Jesus changed the message in first century Rome, putting into place the idea that equality and human rights are from God and come by virtue of being made in the image of God. Without this “evil” biblical principle, Kivel seems to believe that society would be better.
Read more is Kivels ludicrous propaganda that he spewed at the White Privilege Conference on the next page.
Can you imagine the UPROAR if someone said that about any other religion, especially Islam? Damned if they are even trying to mask their inconsistencies anymore.
Lets do the Christian thing and pray for this guy. Dear Lord, please give this man the intelligence to understand the stupidity of what he’s saying…..
Maybe HE IS ANOTHER ONE GETTING TOGETHER A BUNCH OF EMPTY HEADS so he can take them to some So. American jungle and sip some long term sleeping juice!
Those that knock down God just think they are smarter than man. Surprise, surprise!
more elitist cult garbage coming out of the beast system. what else is new?
Your nutso.
Michael Rogers I agree with most of that, but it is the very fact that religion corrupts as a mass, not as an individual in his own faith. As you and I are conversing, I could say, I am a heathen in faith, but can respect your right to believe in YOUR God as you see fit. Now, as two people of differ personal faiths, I’m sure we could agree to be civil and co exist. But when masses are confronted in such a way, they are easily swayed toward hatred or whatever the doctrines of that faith are….. So if I was to walk into a church of Christ an say the same, some would pray for me because they believe I’m a lost soul, others would hate me or wish to disrespect me, and others would follow suite believing that it’s the right thing because everyone else is doing it in accordance to the religion. I do not hate nor discredit Christianity simply because I’m of another faith, because that is not my place to do so. The philosopher you quoted was Nietzsche I believe, when he stated that the core of our humanity is based in the violence of survival, and if left to our own, will resort in a regression to our most animalistic nature of being a mere beast on two legs.
Asshole. >:(
Not so Christ is love
Why then do these people want to live in America??? This country was founded on the Bible values… Perhaps they should live in a different country… They don’t appreciate this country…