White Privilege Conference: Christianity is the Cause for Everything Bad in the World

What does a white privilege conference and anti-Christian rhetoric have to do with each other?  According to Paul Kivel, a lecturer at the 2016 White Privilege Conference, it is the Christian, and specifically the Western White Culture, that has created every dysfunction in the world.

According to Kivel, just about everything bad in the world can be traced to the core ideas of Christianity, which “colonize our mind.”

“In the United States, there’s seven to ten thousand predominantly white, Christian men, who run the major institutions in our society: The corporations, the political parties, the think tanks, the foundations, universities, [and] cultural institutions,” said Kivel.

Kivel ignores the evidence found in societies that have removed Christianity be it through Communism, or religious persecution and the slaughter at the hands of Islamic radicals, that in this vacuum, devoid of the influence of Biblical teaching on love and inherit ant human value, evil prevails in extraordinary measures.

Christian hegemony benefits all Christians, all those raised Christian, and those passing as Christian. However the concentration of power, wealth, and privilege under Christian hegemony accumulates to the ruling class and the predominantly white male Christian power elite that serve its interests. All people who are not Christian, as well as most people who are, experience social, political, and economic exploitation, violence, cultural appropriation, marginalization, alienation and constant vulnerability from the dominance of Christian power and values in our society, writes Kivel.

Christianity benefits all, as it is been demonstratively proved that it lifts people out of poverty, gives women equality, protects children and it has provides a foundation that says, “Love your neighbor as your self” and “Pray for those who persecute you”.  There is nothing inherently evil in this Christian standard.

Source: Daily Caller  Christian Hegemony




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