Two questions. What the heck is a racist microaggression and why would a white smiling at a black indicate that racism is in progress?
The lunatics have indeed taken over the asylum, or at the very least, Portland College. During their “Whiteness History Month”, the term term “White Guy Smile” was coined.
When did being congenial and smiling at another human become a form of racism? Manners once were taught, even demanded in educational settings, but now, God forbid a white co-ed smile in the direction of a black student! And eye contact? Beware, this too is beyond offensive.
This is another ludicrous example of “white guilt” and indoctrinated college kids must make apologies for the skin color that they did not pick nor had any control over! Thus this “white guy smile” is a result of white guilt and the fear that even a friendly gesture, like a smile, would be deemed as offensive.
View the video on the next page and practice smiling in a non-white guy manner.
what sick c**p….insane…..totally….
They are all nuts.
Anyone who promotes this$#%&!@*should be hunted down and slaughtered and have their remains fed to pigs. Then the pigs can be roasted and fed to the Muslim pedophile fucks
f**k niggers yes smile and just give the finger too
they are ignorant assholes that’s why they were slaves here in America and just wild niggers in Africa
Ludicrous. Hatred is a tool of the devil.
Lol these snowflakes make me laugh
This has got to be some stupid joke, RIGHT ???
F**k it if black smiles at me ill knock Yah black butt out just because of this
Wow how stupid is this fck off idiot. Now were do you