Two questions. What the heck is a racist microaggression and why would a white smiling at a black indicate that racism is in progress?
The lunatics have indeed taken over the asylum, or at the very least, Portland College. During their “Whiteness History Month”, the term term “White Guy Smile” was coined.
When did being congenial and smiling at another human become a form of racism? Manners once were taught, even demanded in educational settings, but now, God forbid a white co-ed smile in the direction of a black student! And eye contact? Beware, this too is beyond offensive.
This is another ludicrous example of “white guilt” and indoctrinated college kids must make apologies for the skin color that they did not pick nor had any control over! Thus this “white guy smile” is a result of white guilt and the fear that even a friendly gesture, like a smile, would be deemed as offensive.
View the video on the next page and practice smiling in a non-white guy manner.
All the micro aggression theorists are simply projecting their very own racism and bigotry. What rational person would consciously transmit unwarranted aggression at anyone period, without cause? Academics are probably the only ones; but they also wonder about the textile content of the lint in their navel.
They are getting really desperate for an excuse to cry “racism”. Makes them look so so pathetic!!
How stupid
Where the hell do these moronic libtards come up with this stupid s**t
If I had to stop and analyze myself everytime I smiled at someone I wouldn’t consider myself a racist but I would consider myself a FREAK!
i’m black and people smile at me all the time on the street,sometimes they say hello.i always return it,even the dogs smile.
omg, get real
People are so ignorant what are they gonna come up with next its called put a little love in your hearts