In the latest symptom of madness coming out of the left, a White House task force is about to request that Obama displace Thanksgiving with ‘Celebrate Immigrants Day’ by executive order.
This group recently held a conference call on the subject of immigration that was attended by 16 members of the Obama administration.
One attendee, Susan Payne, political activist and contributor to Baltimore radio WCBM, came forward with startling information about the agenda this task force is discussing with the White House.
Don´t expect this story to be reported by CNN or MSNBC any time soon…
Another stupid idea
what a TURKEY we will always have THANKSGIVING so suck it UP!
Not in Texas not in a million years!
stupid white house.
No way
…or removed by force for ignoring their oaths.
I’d like it to be send them the hell back day!
Problem is Obama is trying to get as many illegals here so he can try and run for a third term. Now with the gay marriage it is even easier for illegals to get in. These Mexicans and even Muslims are getting gay married to become citizens. This was why Obama wanted gay marriage. Wake up people we are losing this country and it’s happening fast.
Dang what is going on this is America an l will always give thanks to God on Thanksgiving day the illegals can go where ever they came from dang this ppl never learn