In the latest symptom of madness coming out of the left, a White House task force is about to request that Obama displace Thanksgiving with ‘Celebrate Immigrants Day’ by executive order.
This group recently held a conference call on the subject of immigration that was attended by 16 members of the Obama administration.
One attendee, Susan Payne, political activist and contributor to Baltimore radio WCBM, came forward with startling information about the agenda this task force is discussing with the White House.
Don´t expect this story to be reported by CNN or MSNBC any time soon…
They are not immigrants they are invaders and invaders do not qualify for their own day, we should change it to import illegal day.
This is false and total BS. I mean I hate this guy too, but at least get your facts straight.
It won’t happen in my house!
I agree .everyone who has tried to stop him has been stopped . some one should change the obamastein with torches and the vilagers aka voters who elected him right out of the whitehouse he is a monster and we created him and his Frankenstein bride.
We have to watch out……..Obama has a pen and phone.
his parents don’t want him neither does hell but give them a little time.
that’s easy miss peggy they are all getting a free ride on the taxpayers dime. we are paying for their healthcare food and housing and we cant get what we help pay for. and the brainwashd obamalites are probably getting bootlegged Medicaid on him because they voted for him.
as I commented earlier hell don’t want him yet but is making a special place for him and Michele both.
nailed it dude