In the latest symptom of madness coming out of the left, a White House task force is about to request that Obama displace Thanksgiving with ‘Celebrate Immigrants Day’ by executive order.
This group recently held a conference call on the subject of immigration that was attended by 16 members of the Obama administration.
One attendee, Susan Payne, political activist and contributor to Baltimore radio WCBM, came forward with startling information about the agenda this task force is discussing with the White House.
Don´t expect this story to be reported by CNN or MSNBC any time soon…
celebrate them leaving the white house and country
Two words to you all and it’s not Happy Thanksgiving but HAPPY THANKSGIVING anyway!
F U X K that!!!
This guy has to go
I seem to recall that the Europeans were staying to death due to a harsh winter they were not prepared for. And the native local tribe feeding them. And then once the Europeans got up on their feet – so to speak. The harvest was good, and so they had a feast both white and native in thanks to God. Or the great spirit… For looking out for them. The one memorable find both sides canned together in peace. Every one has to trample
These people don’t even know the meaning of thanksgiving
He needs to do President stuff & leave American holidays alone.
I seem to recall that the Europeans were starving to death due to a harsh winter they were not prepared for. And the native local tribe feeding them/saving them. And then once the Europeans got up on their feet – so to speak. The harvest was good, and so they had a feast both white and native in thanks to God. Or the great spirit… For looking out for them. The one memorably good time where both sides came together in peace. Every one has to trample
Sorry but, I & my family are NOT changing Thanksgiving!!! Obama has no say over me or mine!