In the latest symptom of madness coming out of the left, a White House task force is about to request that Obama displace Thanksgiving with ‘Celebrate Immigrants Day’ by executive order.
This group recently held a conference call on the subject of immigration that was attended by 16 members of the Obama administration.
One attendee, Susan Payne, political activist and contributor to Baltimore radio WCBM, came forward with startling information about the agenda this task force is discussing with the White House.
Don´t expect this story to be reported by CNN or MSNBC any time soon…
need to executive order him out of the white house
all his exec . orders are illegal anyway
Christmas vacation is now winter break in the schools.The liberals have been working on these changes for a long time now.Obama is merely continuing the cause which is to change America and do away with anything Christian or religious.Other than Muslim ofcourse.
Freakin government leave things alone. You just think you can change what you want, but we the people will not listen to it
Part of that giving thanks was giving thanks for the Indians and how they helped the pilgrims.
to hell with this chump ,he dont rule our lives . he can go suck some more muslim$#%&!@*aint nobody listening to him no more he is a joke
Hell no
We will never give up thanksgiving. Thank God for everything that he has given us. And we will never let the government tell us what we can and can’t do. We’ll never give our country up. God bless America.
Where the Native Indians immigrants?? Thanksgiving is celebrated how the how the Indians help the settlers survive and they shared it with each other.