The President trampled all over the Constitution when he and his Democratic allies in Congress crammed the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare — through congress back in 2009. The country is still feeling the consequences of this lawless legislation as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) continues to dictate new rules to doctors and hospitals on how they must provide abortions and sex change operations.
When it came to trading Guantánamo Bay detainees for deserter Bowe Bergdahl in 2014, the Obama administration declined to consult with — or even notify — Congress of the exchange. When it comes to the Iran nuclear deal, Republicans — and even a few Democrats — in Congress voted against the controversial treaty, but King President Obama brushed aside their concerns and vetoed the bill disapproving of the deal.
Recently, Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes bragged to the New York Times about how he and the administration misled the public while pushing the unpopular nuclear agreement. Rhodes, however, was much less forthcoming when Congress questioned him on the issue, citing “executive privilege” in order not to testify before the legislative branch. To see Congress’ — including a furious Jason Chaffetz, R.-Utah — reaction, continue reading on the next page:
Remember when Obama said that he would have the most transparent administrationi in history?
Typical cover up.
This is what happens when lawyers run our government, everything gets ties up in legalities. They know how to get around the law instead of obeying it!!!!
Obummer is afraid his lies will come out and he will go to jail.
What a surprise
that says there is something really wrong there. Wonder what obozoasshole gave away that we the people will have to pay for.
How convenient
If Obama is not the antichrist he certainly is the closest thing to it I’ve seen in modern times that being said true Christians that are living for Jesus won’t be here for the reveling of the antichrist or for the mark we will be Raptured out of here before the wicked one is revealed the Apostle Paul covers this in the book of Thessalonians
Over this BS…you lied, the end. One more double standard to protect thus criminal, treasonous disgrace.
They have something to hide, simple as that!!!!!!
Trump in 2016!!!!!