Democrats can’t seem to stop offending middle America. First, they tried to tell the country that all white people were racist. Then, they tried to say that all Christians are islamophobic. Now, they are going after veterans.
Veterans used to be the most untouchable group of individuals in America. Even Donald Trump got himself in a bit of trouble with his base when he criticized veteran Senator John McCain for becoming a prisoner of war. His later altercations with the Khan family did little to help his reputation among vets.
Still, Trump managed to pull off a huge win among veteran voters — likely because Democrats seemed to ignore the needs of men and women in the armed services completely.
Maybe that was for the best. Every time the Democrats do say something about out military, they manage to be incredibly condescending.
See how Press Secretary Josh Ernest managed to offend out nation’s vets this week on the next page:
And you’re about out of there to asshole
What a dumb$#%&!@*
But we can appreciate what the vets jhave done for us.
You louseyF**Ken$#%&!@*.My father was a PH Survivor who lived through that ..He had to drag his dead buddies out of the harbor..sometimes only in parts..
You live through it and then you see if you ever get over it..!!!!
Here’s some of the transcript of Earnest’s press conference….. you can read it all at nt’s . A portion, which some have mistrued, follows and nowhere in the entire talk does he say the words “bitterness” nor “Get over it.” “Listen, I can’t speak for every single American and how they will respond to or react to this particular situation. If I were a World War II veteran who was drafted by the United States military to go and fight for our country overseas in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack, I might feel quite embittered. And I think it would be a perfectly natural and understandable human reaction to not be particularly satisfied with the words of the Japanese Prime Minister.
But I think the thing that we know about the Greatest Generation of Americans is they’re anything — well, let me say it this way. This Greatest Generation of Americans, I think we take a risk if we underestimate their patriotism and their capacity to set aside their own personal interests and prioritize the ambition and opportunity of the American people.
And so, yes, there may be some who feel personally embittered. But I’m confident that many will set aside their own personal bitterness, not because they’re personally satisfied by the words of the Prime Minister, but because they recognize how important this moment is for the United States. And that’s certainly why they qualify to be described as the greatest generation.
Josh Earnest did use the phrases “embittered” and “bitterness” in his response, but he did not say or suggest WWII veterans ought to “get over” Pearl Harbor (or anything else). Earnest did say that the “Greatest Generation” ought to never be underestimated in terms of their patriotism and love for the United States.
These anti-Americans are really pos…
I will be glad when Trump’s new Press Secretary takes over. We won’t have to listen to Obama’s lies through the mouth of a$#%&!@* Does that make Josh Ernest is$#%&!@*mouth? You bet!!
Yeah, he’s a real ‘Con Descending’…..
The Obama administration are all idiots.
If it wasn’t for our veterans they wouldn’t have a job or Freedom . Every time they open their mouths it shows how stupid they really are.
You and that “person” you work for ought to both keep your lying mouths SHUT! You know nothing about Pearl Harbor, nothing about armed conflict and nothing about patriotism. JUST GO AWAY, THE BOTH OF YOU! What in sam hill does a community organizer know about anything? He’s already proven inept and inadequate several times over, and you try to make him sound intelligent?