The billionaire globalist, George Soros, who uses his powerful influence and fortune to rule the world, is a terrorist. He himself says that “normal rules do not apply” to him and that he is a god, or more aptly put demon.
How is he not a terrorist?
From bragging about rigging Western democratic elections and governments, to instructing his NGO Media Matters to get Bill O’Reilly fired, he is everywhere. And his influence is detrimental to human rights and democracy, just like ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism.
A White House Petition to declare George Soros a terrorist and seize all of his related organizations and assets is going gangbusters.
Head on over to the next page to learn more and your voice to the growing demand to officially call our George Soros for what he really is, a radical Muslim loving terrorist.
Build the wall with his billions.
Arrest him for treason!!! No bail!
George Soros is a huge threat to all mankind! He needs to go! Take all his assests, imprison him, hang him for his crimes against humanity!
He and his family needs to be locked up and the key thrown away.
Soros is as much a part of America as NASA or MKUltra good luck with that.
he has destroyed other countries and NOW he wants America..NEVER
Please sign the petition.
Hillary’s daughter Chelsea,I believe, is married to Soros’s nephew.
He’s a traitor! And should be treated as such! Like so many that come to our country looking for a better place to live! They try to change our home into the mess they left! I feel it’s time for America first! And a message to our Congress we the Americans people are tired of the way you govern! We want you and our president to work together ! Stop the bickering it does not become you!
I Don’t know why the Jews haven’t taken care of him as he was a Nazi sympathizer helping to confiscate their property during WWII. He must have paid the right elite Jews off. He needs to be shut down.