On Thursday the White House announced the government would not follow advice contained in a scathing report from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB). The report found the NSA’s bulk data collection program is illegal and should be ended.
“We simply disagree with the board’s analysis on the legality of the program,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said.…
“The … bulk telephone records program lacks a viable legal foundation,” the board’s report said, adding that it raises “serious threats to privacy and civil liberties” and has “only limited value.” The report, further, said the NSA should “purge” the files.
The president did not go nearly as far when he called last week for ending government control of phone data collected from hundreds of millions of Americans.
Carney claimed the president, in his address last week, did “directly derive” some of his ideas from the board’s draft recommendations. But he made clear that Obama does not see eye to eye with them on the legitimacy of mass phone record collection.
“The administration believes that the program is lawful,” he said.
Nevertheless, the findings could be used as leverage in federal lawsuits against NSA spying. The report concluded that the NSA collection raises “constitutional concerns” with regard to U.S. citizens’ rights of speech, association and privacy.
“The connections revealed by the extensive database of telephone records gathered under the program will necessarily include relationships established among individuals and groups for political, religious, and other expressive purposes,” it said. “Compelled disclosure to the government of information revealing these associations can have a chilling effect on the exercise of First Amendment rights.”
The panel added that the program “implicates constitutional concerns under the First and Fourth Amendments.”
Source: FoxNews
Photo: TruthRevolt
Let’s hear what Obama is talking about. Put a wire tap on him
If he can’t hear with those big ass Dumbo ears a hand isn’t gonna help.
Who cares about islam?
Not the White House, but that #@@!#$$@@!!@Obama…..
If anything we have can affect the Weather it is our horrible HAARP Weather Weapon, if it can not affect the Weather it is as big a waste of money as our War on Drugs, our War on Terror, and the Obamacare disaster.Our NSA is a monster that does not respect human life or sovereign borders. No Incumbents. Partial Birth Abortion is the politically correct term for a lady giving birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy or girl and a doctor murdering the baby. In the United States we have the Freedom of Religion. There is a difference between the Separation of Church and State and the Destruction of the Church by the State we have with Obama. Obama hates the Constitution of the United States. In Muslim nations women and children have no human rights or freedoms. Is that why Obama loves Terrorists and Muslims so much ? Our Bill of Rights is the one thing that makes the United States different than Iran, Iraq, China, and Cuba. Fire Obama, Biden, Kerry, Holder, McCain, Boehner, Pelosi, and every one of Obama’s Appointees. Our Judicial Branch is a horrible monster today because today, like every one else in our Federal Government they refuse to follow their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, The same Oath we expect our police, our FBI, our Fire Fighters, and the guys in our States government to follow. They should all be fired. We have immigration laws, they have not been repealed, use them Why do they choose to use the horrible Unconstitutional Obamacare law and choose not to use our Immigration Laws. The NDAA allows the United States to have political prisoners inside it’s borders, just as we have political prisoners overseas, today. The Cyber Security Bill is a direct attack on our Human Rights and Freedoms just as Common Core Education is. Calling the horrible Obamacare disaster a train wreck is an insult to train wrecks every where. Elections are coming for each of the useless, good for nothing, fat cat, rich parasites of the Senate and House who passed Obamacare and give it to the IRS which has not been known for anything but corruption after working with Eric Holder and Obama. Americans died, Hillary and Obama died. End our stupid war on Terror, we are wasting trillions of dollars to murder innocent civilians on three continents. Our EPA passed horrible regulations almost banning wood stoves that will cause Americans to die, just as Americans died in Benghazi, and just as Americans die in our stupid War on Terror. Why did we give money and weapons to Egypt and Iran and why do we support, finance, and train Al Qaeda Terrorists? Our Senators and Representatives want Drones above our cities and homes at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars and human deaths by collateral damage, just as they have allowed in Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Somilia, and Yemen. The Lies of Obama, our CIA, and our NSA are the only reason for our wars. No Incumbents.
we need to get him out and get a new one in there soon
Caption: Did I just hear the click of a rifle safety?
The Nebuchadnezzar conversion – Most fascinating story in the Bible – Daniel chapter 4
Nebuchadnezzaar became too proud, and God said, “sovereignty has been removed from you, and you will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the beasts of the field. You will be given grass to eat like cattle, and seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.” Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws.
At the end of seven years Nebuchadnezzar repented, and publicly confessed his sin and Glod’s sovereignty, and God saved him.
Pray that God will do all these things to obama.
clean the soros $#%&!@* out of yo ear