With Donald Trump set to enter the White House this month, the current occupant is doing everything he can to ensure he and his cronies are protected from prosecution.
It’s been well-known that President Obama has used his office to influence who federal law enforcement targets for investigation. Conservatives will remember the IRS’s selective targeting of Tea Party and other groups just as they will recall the administration circling its wagons around former Attorney General Eric Holder after he perjured himself before Congress. But the instance of Obama meddling that most likely stands out is its protection of Hillary Clinton.
Despite the fact that the FBI had credible evidence of Clinton breaking the law, the White House pressured and ultimately convinced director James Comey not to charge the former Secretary of State. With Trump set to take over however, it appears that Hillary’s luck is about to run out.
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Revenge??? WTF would revenge have to do with it? She lied to the American people. She failed to do her duties of her appointment. She leaked secure information. She got people killed by refusing to do the job she was actually responsible for explained in her job description. She has aided in the advancement of radical Islam on a global level. She lied about EVERYTHING. She tried to cover it all up and point blame and responsibilities at others.
How about prosecuting her based on her guilt? Proving some if not all of the suspect accusations and providing the American people with a peace. The peace of knowing that these crimes will not be tolerated regardless of who you are or who you know. Regardless of your title, privilege, money, position or standing. Prove to the American people that the system can and will be fixed. Give us the truth and the justice that we deserve and end all of these lies, deception and division.
Is president does prosecute her it will be not out of Revenge but for the crimes that she committed she is walking around right now thinking she is above the law so far she is I hope charges are brought against her and she is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
President Trump will have charges brought against Hillary Clinton she thinks she is above the law with all the crimes she committed it is time to show people that no one is above the law not even the clintons
Trump>No The People Want It…
She is a criminal
He won’t have to- she has done enough criminal things against America that she is a Isis Terrorist hidden by politics!!
Nothing will happen yo her or OBUMMER !!! That’s a slap in every Americans face !!!
Absolutely Correct
Absolutely Correct
I hope he has Clinton, Obama, Holder, Lynch and Jarrett prosecuted for their crimes.