A recent White House conference call on immigration reveals a treacherous plan to destroy the U.S from within by using the 15 million immigrants Obama is rolling out the red carpet for as seedling to grow a ‘nation within a nation’ with the ultimate intention of former displacing the later over time.
In a recent interview on Mark Levin Radio Show, Susan Payne, political activist and contributor to Baltimore radio station WCBM, inadvertently received an invitation to the conference call, the details she emerged with about the nature of this leftist agenda are truly shocking.
Hell, they have been infilterateing muzzie jihadists for more than 3 decades and streategically placing them all across our country! The so-called “horse” is already in place!
1st off islam is incompatible with western civilization insofar as in 1952 islam (shariah law) was banned from the USA and the law is still in effect today. it is high time WE THE PEOPLE enforce our laws and rid our nation of this inhumane barbaric cancer. ATTENTION ALL GOATFUCKERS AND ILLEGALS: you have the option to leave IMMEDIATELY or be deported in BODY BAGS. if any one of you attempt to re enter the USA you will be SHOT ON SIGHT no questions asked.
cocked, locked and ready to rock
He has had 8 years to get it rolling. Evil.
Going on eight years now.
Obamass did the best of them all, he earned the name SPINELESS.
We need to stop this nonsense immediately and send these home that are here while we still have a country.
I think not
Obama has slowly been doing this his whole administration. I said it when he won his first term . He isn’t anything but a Muslim. We need to clean out the rat nests , of training centers, of Muslims, and white supremacists alike. Especially the Muslims.