A recent White House conference call on immigration reveals a treacherous plan to destroy the U.S from within by using the 15 million immigrants Obama is rolling out the red carpet for as seedling to grow a ‘nation within a nation’ with the ultimate intention of former displacing the later over time.
In a recent interview on Mark Levin Radio Show, Susan Payne, political activist and contributor to Baltimore radio station WCBM, inadvertently received an invitation to the conference call, the details she emerged with about the nature of this leftist agenda are truly shocking.
Convention of States Sept 21-23 in Colonial Williamsberg, Virginia
any citizen who does not know this,,, will not believe until after they have missed their third straight meal,,, and bt ehn,, it’s way too late…
We the People are well aware of this corrupt administration.
Phone calls and complaints simply are not enough anymore and when this becomes a realization then we can begin change and it will only come at the hands of those willing to pick up a rifel and fight for tjis country .
the Lord is in control and he is with Trump and we will take back our country amen
Why they would just laugh at us. They are all up Obama’s Rear
Why isn’t Congress using this to stop oboma?
This has been obvious for the last 8 years