A recent White House conference call on immigration reveals a treacherous plan to destroy the U.S from within by using the 15 million immigrants Obama is rolling out the red carpet for as seedling to grow a ‘nation within a nation’ with the ultimate intention of former displacing the later over time.
In a recent interview on Mark Levin Radio Show, Susan Payne, political activist and contributor to Baltimore radio station WCBM, inadvertently received an invitation to the conference call, the details she emerged with about the nature of this leftist agenda are truly shocking.
I say we all go to washington and protest and demand impeachment immediately until we are heard
Obama has been a traitor to America all along!
Not a big secret……
The plan is working and the agenda is set !
Make this viral I am being attacked
bow to your muslim brotherhood king ..bow to the Prophet Elijah Muhammad Obama….
Is the Trojan horse full of Islamic refugees or Isis sleeper cells Obama has committed treason that’s my opinion I’m entitled to it
No surprise, Obama wants a Muslim army to support his ascension to Sec Gen of the UN. they’ll also have no trouble gunning down Americans since they are foreigners.
Anything to get elected right hillary. ..
Welcome to zombie land…