In remarks made this week, the White House claimed that they were “embarrassed “about the recent passage of JASTA — the bill that would allow the family of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for their role in the attacks.
And the White House should be embarrassed. After JASTA passed through the House and Senate unanimously, Barack Obama decided to veto the legislation. His move seemingly prioritized his relationship with Saudi Arabia over the Americans they helped kill.
Yet that isn’t why the White House is so embarrassed. And they’re not embarrassed that Obama was handed his first congressional override, either, with only Harry Reid and a few representatives in the House siding with the president.
No, they’re embarrassed by Congress’ actions, not Obama’s.
See why the White House thinks congress was so “embarrassing” on the next page. Check out Obama’s reasoning to veto the bill in the first place:
like the old story goes cry baby cry
Lying piece of c**p!
Aww. Cry sissy. The only thing you want to protect is islam.
Than it must be a lie.
obama is such a cry baby.
Obama Lies he is protecting muslims
He’s a LIAR. !!! Just like Hillary !
IF YOU KNOW Anyone who’s voting for Hillary Clinton, they should carefully think about what life in the United States will be like if she’s elected!
Ask them to ponder these questions:
1. How will Hillary eliminating the coal industry which can result in the plants that run on this fuel to be shut down and cause power outages be a wise decision for America?
2. Is it economically prosperous for an American to have his or her job taken away and given to the cheaper labor Hillary has successfully imported from another country?
3. As Hillary continues her rapid influx of Islamic Muslims, will that have a negative or positive effect in our communities where American citizens routinely gather?
4. Hillary wants to allow more aliens into the United States, will this have a negative or positive effect on the welfare programs designated to help the Americans in need?
5. Does Hillary acknowledge that by increasing the number of foreigners into America it will eventually reduce the social and health benefits available to American citizens?
6. Has Hillary thought about the impact her growing amount of non-English speaking aliens will have on our kids at their schools or in the recreational facilities they attend?
7. Is Hillary diligent in keeping the United States safe when she willfully encourages the admittance of refugees from countries that are actively seeking to kill Americans?
8. Terrorists groups that attack law enforcement, destroy cities and injure innocent people like Black Lives Matter, with Hillary in charge will they become weaker or stronger?
9. As Hillary increases the Muslim refugee invasion from state to state until America is dominated by Islam, will Hillary allow the Muslims to enforce Sharia Law nationwide?
10. Will Hillary allow her Middle East donors to pick certain Muslim Jihadis to start up more terrorist training camps here like those in Red House Virginia and Dearborn Michigan?
everyone is granted permission to copy and re-post these questions