If you are a veteran or have a veteran in your family, you may have experienced a visit to the VA Hospital or Clinic.
Some facilities are better than others and there are many heroic figures pursuing their careers in the Veterans Administration.
Once in awhile though, we get a glimpse of this government run beast and it often leaves a bad taste in out mouth.
If you are a veteran in Chicago, you may want to take special care about the menu at their VA. Lately, it seem that an infestation of cockroaches has overrun the kitchen and sometimes… they are part of the meals.
See the next page for her details on the roach infestation in Chicago’s VA.
These places are run by civilians, 5percent might be veterans. Also run by 98 percent blacks, wonder why that is? If it were opposite, the black community would be screaming, racists, bigots, racial unfairness.. Then there is the kid Doctors, that get to practice on you and I.
I don’t know about any one else but my VA in Bellevue is far above exceptional –in every way–
F**k up
There traitors
More Obama legacy that will live forever.
Illegals, Obama, Muslims fault?
Absolutely UNCONSCIONABLE and UNFORGIVABLE!!!! This putrid, grossly corrupt Obamass and his regime are SO VERY DISGUSTING. For 8 LONG YEARS Obamass has managed to almost destroy our nation in just about every realm –exactly what he set out to do (i.e. ‘Fundamentally Change America’). But the neglect and lack of respect and care for our Veterans is beyond belief.
Hang somebody
Not all are !!!!
agree we get good service too in Fla.