Whistleblower: Obama Knowingly Allowed Illegal Immigration of MS-13 Gang Members

Whistleblower: Obama Knowingly Allowed Illegal Immigration of MS-13 Gang Members

Donald Trump’s illegal immigration policy is often labeled “cruel” or “inhumane” by the mainstream media, but recent developments prove that Barack Obama’s policies were the ones that were truly harmful. While Trump’s policies target and punish illegal immigrants, Obama’s policies hurt American citizens.

The left like to believe that all illegal immigrants are good people forced to relocate due to poor economic conditions back at home. So when a conservative politician brings up facts that prove otherwise, they’re immediately labeled a racist. For proof, look no further than Trump’s campaign announcement speech. During his remarks, he referenced the “criminals,” “drug dealers” and “rapists” that have illegally entered the United States before committing their crimes. There was nothing factually incorrect about what Trump said, but the media blasted him anyway. They also said it doomed his campaign from the very beginning.

They were also very wrong.

The reason is simple: Americans knew that the Democrats’ policy of ignoring illegal immigrants had failed.

Read about a new discovery that proves that Democrats ignored public safety in order to protect illegal immigrants on the next page:

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Whistleblower: Obama Knowingly Allowed Illegal Immigration of MS-13 Gang Members