Donald Trump’s illegal immigration policy is often labeled “cruel” or “inhumane” by the mainstream media, but recent developments prove that Barack Obama’s policies were the ones that were truly harmful. While Trump’s policies target and punish illegal immigrants, Obama’s policies hurt American citizens.
The left like to believe that all illegal immigrants are good people forced to relocate due to poor economic conditions back at home. So when a conservative politician brings up facts that prove otherwise, they’re immediately labeled a racist. For proof, look no further than Trump’s campaign announcement speech. During his remarks, he referenced the “criminals,” “drug dealers” and “rapists” that have illegally entered the United States before committing their crimes. There was nothing factually incorrect about what Trump said, but the media blasted him anyway. They also said it doomed his campaign from the very beginning.
They were also very wrong.
The reason is simple: Americans knew that the Democrats’ policy of ignoring illegal immigrants had failed.
Read about a new discovery that proves that Democrats ignored public safety in order to protect illegal immigrants on the next page:
Evil corrupt lizard brain
Yes any and all of them they should arrest the CEO’s and fine the shareholder and do this on national television make everyone know we’re serious about this . No need for a wall they’ll all be gone in a few months maybe sooner but as we see They are not. serious about it they just run around in circles say stupid$#%&!@*for votes like guns in abortions flags just tools fucking people over for their votes it’s all they care about and then I cut tax for them self is the Republican way 100%
Obama had co-conspirators. Our elected representatives no longer represent “We the People” This is it folks.
The liberal agenda regarding Pres. Trump and what he is in reality up against.
— The top officials at the “Deep State:” the FBI, CIA and NSA.
— The crooks and extortion artists running government agencies like the EPA, IRS and FDA.
— The evil bureaucrats who let vets die at the VA (none of whom were ever fired).
— The establishment GOP politicians like John McCain, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. There are hundreds of them, bought and paid for by the lawyers, lobbyists, consultants and billion-dollar, multi-national corporations. — The big shots who run America’s media, many of whom are related to the big shots running our government and billion dollar corporations.
— The DC establishment — lawyers, lobbyists, consultants and publicists — who all survive on government contracts.
— Millions of federal government employees scared of losing power.
— All of the organizations who make billions off government contracts, scams and “investments” like Obamacare, climate change and green energy.
— And of course, Democratic politicians and strategists like President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Jon Corzine and IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to name just a few on the left who have never been held accountable for their terrible and corrupt actions. President Trump threatens a whole lot of powerful people who have so much to lose. That’s why they are all frightened, paranoid and hysterical. Trump is threatening their corrupt game. He’s upsetting their apple cart. He’s derailing their gravy train. They have to stop him at all costs. Not just stop him, destroy him. Lynch him. Crucify him. They need to send a clear message so no one ever tries to educate, enlighten or empower the masses ever again. That’s why the gates of hell have been opened on President Trump. There is book written by Wayne Allen Root titled “The Murder of the Middle Class “about the unholy conspiracy between big government, big business and big media. They all benefit by the billions from this partnership and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all, and all for one. It’s one heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich — everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. We’re the victims. The taxpayers are fleeced, defrauded and scammed every day.
Trump must be neutralized and silenced before people start to really believe they are the masters, not the servants. Remember Trump’s great words only days ago at Liberty University, when he said, “In America we don’t worship government, we worship God.”
That’s one of the greatest lines in the history of the presidency. But those words were what cemented in the minds of the “DC powers-that-be” that Trump has to be stopped. The gates of hell opened up immediately after that speech went viral.
Those powerful words frightened all the corrupt and powerful people who are paid by government, not God. This isn’t just an old-fashioned “attack.” This is a coordinated Big Brother conspiracy to destroy Trump. This is a high-tech lynching. This is a crucifixion.
It’s not just the left. It’s also the GOP establishment, education establishment, government-funded scientists, media, CIA, NSA and pretty much every other government agency all united to stop Trump from turning off the spigot of magical, never-ending taxpayer money.
This is our last shot at saving America. If we don’t back Trump now, it’s all lost forever. It’s time to fight like it’s the end of freedom, the end of capitalism, the end of America. Because it is .Either take a stand now, or forever remember the day you gave away your children’s and grandchildren’s freedoms and future.
We must all stand together to stop the crucifixion of President Trump.
The miserable idiot keeps lingering like a bad fart!!
Go Trump
Nothing will happen to him.
I’d like to thank President Trump for his leadership! He’s had the least scandalous presidency in the history of our great country. Obama should have been impeached over his treasonous deals with the Russians. He could never ever accomplish what Trump has in a few months:
Appointing a foreign agent as the National Security Advisor.
Lowest approval ratings of any president at this point.
Attacking and ignoring the science of climate change and the EPA.
Appointing unqualified and incompetent individuals such as Pruitt, Devos, Carson, and Perry.
Rolling back protections for transgender students.
Refuses to release his taxes just like any presidents have for the past 40 years.
Losing the respect and the title of the Leader of the Free World.
Under investigation by the FBI.
Failed mission in Yemen.
Two failed Muslim bans.
Disastrous anti-middle class and anti-environment executive orders.
Failed repeal of Obamacare.
Striking an already empty airbase in Syria to distract from low ratings and the Russiagate.
Awkward and embarrassing meetings with foreign dignitaries.
Inviting racist clowns like Ted Nugent and Palin to the Whitehouse.
A ton of golfing.
Obsession with President Obama.
Taking credit for Obama’s accomplishments.
Accusing Obama of wiretapping him with no evidence whatsoever.
Tweeting non-sense at 3am.
A whole lot of lies.
No transparency.
Most ethically challenged administration in US history.
Most secretive administration in US history.
Nepotism by giving family members important jobs and deals.
Cronyism by appointing billionaires to his cabinet.
Proposing massive tax cuts for the rich like himself.
Allowing a banned pesticide proven to be dangerous to be used again.
Falsely claiming navy ships going toward North Korea.
ISIS remains in large despite his promises.
Congratulating a Purple Heart recipient.
Introduction to connotative terminology such as snowflakes, alternative facts, f**e news and bigly…
Targeting national monuments created by Obama and Clinton.
Signing a bill that allows your private data sold to the highest bidder.
Cutting after school programs, and meals on wheels.
Wasting millions of tax-payers money by wife and kid not moving in to the Whitehouse.
Promoting Mar-A-Lago by Sate Department.
Settled multi-million dollars lawsuit against his fraudulent university.
Dropping a $16 million bomb on 94 ISIS terrorists.
Allowing offshore drilling.
Slowest GDP growth in 3 years. (Fair to blame him since he took credit for good jobs numbers in January and February)
Worst jobs report in nearly a year in Mach.
Making it easy for mentally insane to buy guns.
$1-3 million weekly trips to Florida.
1$ billion lost in tourism.
Inviting a thug like Duterte to the Whitehouse.
Saying “I would be honored” to meet the Dear Leader of North Korea.
Not having a clue about the history of United States as the president of the United States.
Rolling back healthy school lunch standards and Let Girls Learn program promoted by Michele Obama.
Firing the FBI director amid investigating him and his associates on treason.
Leaking classified intelligence to Russians.
Obstruction of justice by asking the FBI to drop the investigation into Flynn.
Bottom line is that we’re tired of winning and can’t take it anymore.