Something fishy is going on in Pennsylvania.
Donald Trump may not have won the popular vote, but he won the electoral college decisively. Still, that didn’t stop Green Party candidate Jill Stien from demanding a recount in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan — the three states that landed Trump in the White House.
That recount effort has been ridiculed by many for its uselessness. Even in the near-impossible even that the results in both Wisconsin and Michigan were overturned, Trump would still have the necessary electoral votes to beat Hillary Clinton. Only by switching Pennsylvania could a recount change the outcome of the election — an extremely unlikely event considering that Trump’s margin in the state was much bigger than his in Wisconsin and Michigan.
But that margin in apparently getting smaller. The latest numbers in Pensylvania show that Clinton has gained several thousand votes compared to the election night tallies.
See how massive the suspicious shift toward Clinton is on the next page:
Shut the$#%&!@*up !! Election is over and done ! Damn sore loser she is !!
I agree she got thousands of votes…For Being the SOREST LOSER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!! LOL !!
Faith in this current government you say?!?! There hasn’t been faith in this government for 8 years!
Maybe they can dislodge California from the US and put the clintons and obama and all their stupid liberal friends on it and let it float away! Good riddance!!!!
Yea and there is reports that millions of votes for hillary are null and void cause they are illegal.
The election is ove r give it up Kilery you can’t win
F**e news$#%&!@*this page liberal propaganda b******t
This is more b******t ,don’t believe any of it.
57 counties voted for HRC. Over 3000 counties voted for Trump! I wish that was the response every time thet bring up the popular vote.