Something fishy is going on in Pennsylvania.
Donald Trump may not have won the popular vote, but he won the electoral college decisively. Still, that didn’t stop Green Party candidate Jill Stien from demanding a recount in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan — the three states that landed Trump in the White House.
That recount effort has been ridiculed by many for its uselessness. Even in the near-impossible even that the results in both Wisconsin and Michigan were overturned, Trump would still have the necessary electoral votes to beat Hillary Clinton. Only by switching Pennsylvania could a recount change the outcome of the election — an extremely unlikely event considering that Trump’s margin in the state was much bigger than his in Wisconsin and Michigan.
But that margin in apparently getting smaller. The latest numbers in Pensylvania show that Clinton has gained several thousand votes compared to the election night tallies.
See how massive the suspicious shift toward Clinton is on the next page:
Because Patrice Ramsey. Until trump completed all his changes the current government cannot be trusted. What part of that do you not understand. Does the scum that odumbass has allowed to enter our country have to be standing at your door step before you realize he doesn’t care about Americans . he only cares about his kind and his Muslim brotherhood. No president in history has condoned the killing of police officers or praised in his own words the good work the BLM has done. Of course not because part presidents were true Americans. Not race baiting terrorists. Even his own race has turned against him that should speak volumes bit to some it says nothing.
Give up already or better yet kill yourself
You guys sounds completely delusional, when I was young following politics, please said the government was corrupt then,now because of Obama its corrupt, really. Their have been people entering America before Obama took office, and black lives movement is non-violent, their were some police killed while they had a rally, but that wasn’t because of Blm.
It is called voter fraud! .
They got them from my company…
Bag of Ballots International…
If you’re loosing an election…
Call us…
We’ll ”discover” a car with a bag…
Or two of ballots that will put you..
Over the top…
You have to give the car back…
I don’t trust the government either, they are doing anything they can for a one world government!!! I heard the last address to UN that We(USA) will submit to it!!!!
B******t f**e fucking news
Scary isn’t it Elizabeth Moore Charbonneau
because the government is filled with liars
Yea sure is but I’m covered by the blood of Jesus !!! It’s a antichrist government and I will Not submit !!! I am not of this world nor its system!!!! I pray that God Almighty opens the eyes of the blind, heal the lame and raises the dead !!!!!!!!!