The world’s biggest banks have all rushed into an emergency meeting last week, and the urgency by which they were called has many worried.
The meetings are to take place in Washington D.C., and even Barack Obama has been called in to meet and discuss the apparent emergency that’s about to be unleashed on the world’s economies with the Federal Reserve.
While the meetings are likely to be behind closed doors, that hasn’t stopped watchful media organizations from figuring out what this emergency is all about.
Is the world economy on the brink of total collapse? Is big oil about to take a major fall? Whatever it is, its going to be major, judging by how quickly these meetings were called.
To see what the aforementioned websites think is behind all of this, continue reading on the next page:
Getting ready to bring this country down just after he leaves office then blame it on the next president!
Don’t worry about it, watch sports and forget about it
keep this false economy going till Trump takes over, then crash it and blame Republicans
It’s the deficit, stupid! They’re devaluing us all!
I think we’re just paranoid
Do you still have to pay back student loans? Lmao
im not worried,, no body does any thing to take him out of our w.h. sooooooooo
no microchip
hitler did that with the tatoos