The world’s biggest banks have all rushed into an emergency meeting last week, and the urgency by which they were called has many worried.
The meetings are to take place in Washington D.C., and even Barack Obama has been called in to meet and discuss the apparent emergency that’s about to be unleashed on the world’s economies with the Federal Reserve.
While the meetings are likely to be behind closed doors, that hasn’t stopped watchful media organizations from figuring out what this emergency is all about.
Is the world economy on the brink of total collapse? Is big oil about to take a major fall? Whatever it is, its going to be major, judging by how quickly these meetings were called.
To see what the aforementioned websites think is behind all of this, continue reading on the next page:
Imminent collapse is what it is. They keep printing and printing, flooding the economy with monopoly money to keep the stock market propped up. The longer they prolong it, the worse it will be when the bubble pops. They should just go ahead and let it pop now.
they are trying to figure out how to save their money when the crash hits and its coming fast
I think the artificial economy may be on the verge of collapse !**e news, clickbait
Being on the verge of an election is speeding this along as well. Obama may now try to get martial law or sharia law. I believe he is pushing a one world order. It seems he’d like nothing more than to be king of the entire world.
One world government, one world money, one world health system. World destruction on it way.
You don’t suppose we have enough freeloaders to crash the economy. which was this Traitor P.O.S’s objective from the start.
The Country is BROKE and the house of cards is falling and the next bubble getting ready to break…that’s all.
Obama an the New World Order will make the$#%&!@*S look like sheep if these Communists Bastards and the GODLESS MUSLIMS and lets not forget Geo. SOROS Obamas Mentor. If you don’nt know who Geo. SOROS is punch him up on the your C P you will be amazed what this jew is tryin to do to this great country of ours.