Experience shows that unless Iran violates the deal egregiously, the temptation will be to ignore it. For instance, Iran got away with selling more oil than it should have under the interim agreement. More ominously, Tehran repeatedly pushed the envelope on technical aspects of the agreement—such as caps on its uranium stockpile—and got away with it. The Obama administration and other Western powers have so much invested in their diplomatic efforts that they’ll deny such violations ever occurred.
More evidence of Iranian violations has now surfaced. Two reports regarding Iran’s attempts to illicitly and clandestinely procure technology for its nuclear and ballistic missile programs have recently been published. They show that Iran’s procurement continues apace, if not faster than before the Joint Plan of Action was signed in November 2013. But fear of potentially embarrassing negotiators and derailing negotiations has made some states reluctant to report Tehran’s illegal efforts. If these countries have hesitated to expose Iran during the negotiations, it is more likely they will refrain from reporting after a deal is struck.
Western governments, especially the United States have shown they are not willing to call Iran to task, even after the most serious violations. Iran clearly takes this as encouragement to continue their illicit nuclear program.
Source: Weekly Standard
Photo: Secure The Grid
Its okay, the day of reckoning is coming, and it will get real hot pretty soon.
It’s as if our leaders want Iran to destroy us and the Free World along with everyone else.
iran does not make my blood boil
why should it? but a cop can rip off your life savings…
Americans think Obamas a joke
Iran is playing the game and again our leaders are losing
God Bless America