President Barack Obama took time Tuesday to assure Americans the government did not “make a hard sell” for Obamacare. It is hard to guess what level of spending your tax money would qualify as a hard sell! His administration spent nearly $700 million to promote the law with its ‘soft sell’. Nevertheless, Obama stated “We didn’t have billions of dollars of commercials like some critics did.”
Taxpayer funding went to all 50 states in efforts to encourage people to enroll, including nearly $28 million for the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, for television, radio, print, and social media ads. Oregon received $10 million to push the law, which it used to create advertisements that did not even mention the word “insurance.” The Portland advertising agency North, Inc., produced psychedelic cartoons for Cover Oregon that were described by Sen. Tom Coburn’s (R., Okla.)Wastebook as “what appears to be Gumby riding on the Beatles’ yellow submarine.” Another ad, “Live Long in Oregon,” featured a woman singing a hippie folk song on a guitar, with lyrics such as “long live the Oregon spirit.” “Whatever it takes to get them there, so whether it’s, y’know, a woman strumming a guitar, or whether it’s a rap, hopefully that message is there,” saidCover Oregon Chief Operating Officer Triz de la Rosa. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the White House also had staffers actively promoting the law, using everything from “doge” memes to cat GIFs to encourage sign ups. The administration gave the Baltimore Ravens $130,000 to sell Obamacare. Obama himself appeared on Zach Galifianakis’ show “Between Two Ferns” to pitch the health care law. Obamacare got help from nonprofit organizations, where alcohol was used to sell insurance in Colorado. The so-called “Brosurance” campaign, depicted keg stands to try to encourage young people to sign up. Enroll America, also a nonprofit, made a rapping pug video to promote the law. Illinois recently paid the online satirical site the Onion up to $300,000 for online banner ads. One ad linking to the Cover Illinois website read: “Man without health insurance forced to sell action figures to pay for medical bills. Don’t sell your action figures.” The funding was on top of the $33.3 million Illinois spent on marketing the law, despite signing up just 13 percent of the state’s uninsured. Much of the funding went to the Jayne Agency, a Chicago-based advertising firm that helped market the law, whose slogan is “Creative that rocks. Not costly politics.” Source: Free Beacon Image credit: theswash.comHowever, last July the Associated Press reported that Obamacare’s marketing campaign would cost at least $684 million.
2016 is the year we AMERICANS can fix the USA. Make a list of all legislators supporting Obamacare & gun control, & vote them ALL out of office!
Support Trey Gowdy, Rand Paul & Ted Cruz for President, Vice President & Attorney General.
Puppet Obama is spending $$17 MILLION of tax payers money each month, running TV. ADS promoting Obamacare!!!
Plans for the current USA economy destruction began with Obama care. Inception of Obamacare began with HERITAGE THINK TANK, which is an organization started & funded. BY George Soros back in 1988 as part of the SOROS PLAN to destroy the USA economy!!!
And here the USA is, “COUNTLESS Soros organizations later, watching Soros PUPPET OBAMA the the visible”FINISHER” of the SOROS PLAN destroy the USA economy, military, and the Christian forefathers base of American religion, along with the destruction of the.USA Constitution, as PUPPET MASTER SOROS manipulates his puppets!!!
And by the way, 2 of the main insurance carriers that puppet Obama is spending $$$17 MILLION a month to promote are owned by George Soros!!! >>>AARP & United Healthcare!!!
it won’t work when people try to use the doctors and the doctors will not except Obama care
I will never buy it
i think obama needs to be removed and obamacare trashed and get the country back tio itself again
I think it was shoved down our throats, whether we liked it or not
They did an over kill for something WE DO NOT WANT
you could pay all the hospital in America for that kind of money. why do people think they know what is good for someone else. if you don’t work you don’t eat. that is what john smith did when he first came to America. how can we be so different than what they did
it was not and over sell as this failed government has a pen and and endless supply of ink. the real american tax payer…..
It was all planned and yws we knew it was coming and nobody but a fool is happy