Democrats are known for suggesting they represent the “common” man, which is hilarious since it is clear that labor unions and overcompensated government workers own the party.
Of course, Democrats pander to special interest groups such as minorities, young, single women, and ignorant, inexperienced youth, all looking for freebies and special treatment, but in the end, Democrats do not really care for ordinary folks.
That became apparent once again when the people of West Virginia moved to support legislators who proposed a bill that would help ordinary citizens in protecting themselves against lawless thugs and possibly even terrorists attacks. Democrat Governor Earl Ray Tomblin decided to veto the bill, in spite of popular support due to the troubled times we are living in.
See the result of Tomblin’s veto, page 2:
Good !
Most police officers I know are pro 2nd amendment. We don’t want laws that keep law abiding citizens from having those rights infringed. We do want to see existing laws that punish criminals for illegal use of weapons strictly enforced.
I am an active duty police officer with 34 years on the street.
My ar is a preban colt sporter
Mountain streams shall reach the sea bless Celtic women who keep us free! Soulless armies in present flight our ancestral lands they have in sight. Bronze to Iron all whom fought, to this war all Celtic swords be brought, all tribes and clans readied to fight all Celtic Kings High Kings Unite!!!
Pre-ban, that’s the good one.
Everyone should be allowed to carry…. unless you are a criminal.
as they Force us into a civil war against them, we Become their biggest threat indeed, because it’s we their enemy! Only way WE can be an enemy of them, is if they are admitting that they have chosen to be an enemy of we the people of this land. Oh, that’s right, they did when they drew the line and declared themselves Alone as being “Thee 1%” didn’t they – they just didn’t use the Words “You Are now Our Enemy”, ya gotta read Between the lines, I get it