Democrats are known for suggesting they represent the “common” man, which is hilarious since it is clear that labor unions and overcompensated government workers own the party.
Of course, Democrats pander to special interest groups such as minorities, young, single women, and ignorant, inexperienced youth, all looking for freebies and special treatment, but in the end, Democrats do not really care for ordinary folks.
That became apparent once again when the people of West Virginia moved to support legislators who proposed a bill that would help ordinary citizens in protecting themselves against lawless thugs and possibly even terrorists attacks. Democrat Governor Earl Ray Tomblin decided to veto the bill, in spite of popular support due to the troubled times we are living in.
See the result of Tomblin’s veto, page 2:
I thank God that the People of this state are smarter than their Governor! Bravo West Virginia! I just wished Minnesota was just as wise!
WV has the highest drug problems and you want them to have a hidden gun? They did not carried for they would went to jail longer, they know the laws. We are headed for higher climes and no law enforcers, who would want that job? So enjoy living safely with your gun. Governor and law officers understand from the past.
anyone want to be Obama put them up to it to see if they would let it fly? Recall Election time.
Recall Election for violating or attempting to violate the Constitution and violation of the the Constitution.
I’m a retired police officer of 30 years most police officers that I know are Pro Second amendment
Great job senators for standing up to the left wing, liberal democrats