One of the laws of economics that liberals are forced to deny to push their agenda is that it is impossible to legislate the value of someone’s work. That can only be done by the market as it compares the value of all work and assigns values based on how those people making up that market chose to spend their money.
The government can certainly pass laws stating the minimum rates that a worker can be paid for performing specific jobs, but all that means is that if someone’s work is not deemed by the market to be worth that wage, workers will not be employed to do those jobs. In some cases, technology that was previously too expensive will now become economical and will be used to replace human workers.
An example of this is provided on page two.
Theres your $15 an hour. Any other stupid people want this too. Maybe people will begin to understand as the bottom goes up so do the costs, thus so do prices.
Big whoop….fast food is no career anyways.
Uh oh, look like u niggas gon hafa find sum othanplace to smoke reefa and fuk up orders!!
You have to finish school first, as we can plainly see YOU didnt pass english so you quit!!
Well Mark Culbertson i dont know where you live but here in florida burgers are not 10 dollars,but what i was trying to say is those are entry level jobs for high school kids ,not a career choice ,but raising the wage just eliminated jobs ,we didnt gain anything except maybe getting your food faster ,sorry if pay that much for food in your are but you have a choice to go somewhere else,and thanks for the kind words,God bless
Now your entitled to find another job. Hopefully they learned something from this.
Classes are still open to those who need an education ! It is called Economics 101 !
How about getting a better job and leave those fast food jobs for the high school kids
Eric L Runion Bull. My husband runs a very small seasonal business, and at the end of the season it is getting to a point that what little profit is left after expenses the government wants. Not much incentive to keep going. And that is the tax and spend policy of Democrats.
That’s what happens when you demand 15 bucks an hour…