One of the laws of economics that liberals are forced to deny to push their agenda is that it is impossible to legislate the value of someone’s work. That can only be done by the market as it compares the value of all work and assigns values based on how those people making up that market chose to spend their money.
The government can certainly pass laws stating the minimum rates that a worker can be paid for performing specific jobs, but all that means is that if someone’s work is not deemed by the market to be worth that wage, workers will not be employed to do those jobs. In some cases, technology that was previously too expensive will now become economical and will be used to replace human workers.
An example of this is provided on page two.
Greedy bastards – got what you deserved 🙂
The future is virtual. Humans will be second class citizens to virtual technology, robots and Ai. Get used to it. This is just the beginning.
We will all be unemployed living on government welfare soon enough. Its by design.
Don’t want it but it cannot be stopped.
Sure and the Damn CEO makes more in one year than all these people put together. Damn disgraceful day for me to eat at Wendy’s. Allow that CEO to have my food. Goodbye wendys
Well half their workforce is going to be deported
see the stupidity of 15.00/hr yet????
This republican also pays more tax then I want
Thank you liberals for pushing so many more from the workplace with now, nowhere to go!
Men and women should make a wage to put food on there own tables , if that want 15 $ I think that should other country pay that much why should we not iv worked in the jobs that are and u can’t get out of them unless ur from a family that have means too . So walk in there shoes then juge them .
Jobs? We don’t need no stinking jobs….