One of the laws of economics that liberals are forced to deny to push their agenda is that it is impossible to legislate the value of someone’s work. That can only be done by the market as it compares the value of all work and assigns values based on how those people making up that market chose to spend their money.
The government can certainly pass laws stating the minimum rates that a worker can be paid for performing specific jobs, but all that means is that if someone’s work is not deemed by the market to be worth that wage, workers will not be employed to do those jobs. In some cases, technology that was previously too expensive will now become economical and will be used to replace human workers.
An example of this is provided on page two.
Flipping burgers isn’t a retiring kind of job
I don’t blame Wendys one bit. The minimum wage was NEVER supposed to support a family. It was set up as a temporary job for teens.
Well people if you don’t boycott this from the beginning there wont be jobs
Knew it would happen
Just a start. Increased labor costs ALWAYS have jobs replaced by equipment.
When capital outlay for new equipment nears the labor cost, equipment or machines have greater cost effectiveness.
Since the first shovel was invented to make digging easier, we will always seek the easiest way to do a job. And as the first person slept in a cave to avoid the rain, we look constantly to improve our position and ease our burdens.
The thing about automation is, when costs and overhead are reduced by a company using it. All others must follow right along.
People will Always buy the least costly of two identical items. That’s simply improving you position. And to remain in business, companies must have competitive pricing. And to do that, competitive cost of production.
Wage pressure might accelerate the use of technology a bit. But that is not the cause.
Technology has just reached a level, more tasks can be performed. And machines invariably are better than humans. Distraction, fatigue, emotion, etc are not factors in machines.
Next, the autonomous vehicles will transform our transportation and shipping industries. That cost of technology to convert an existing vehicle is less than 2 weeks wages for a driver. Shippers will have no choice but to automate if they wish to stay in buainess.
William C. Luse You would be lucky if it was $7.50 for a meal, time you get a drink, burger, fries it will be $9.00 plus I agree with you but I see it could cost higher! God Bless!
Gary West so true!!
Chili’s has the credit card reader right on your table. Eliminates a cashier.
The Casino industry got rid of the change girls by putting bill readers on slot machines. They eliminated over half the keno writers by computer printed tickets. They constantly test new games for public acceptance. Electronic C**p games can eliminate a stick man, box man and 2 dealers at every table.
Technology that can build parts by 3d printing, laser milling, etc. Is able to assemble those same parts. We have machines that can replicate themselves.
How awesome is that?