One of the laws of economics that liberals are forced to deny to push their agenda is that it is impossible to legislate the value of someone’s work. That can only be done by the market as it compares the value of all work and assigns values based on how those people making up that market chose to spend their money.
The government can certainly pass laws stating the minimum rates that a worker can be paid for performing specific jobs, but all that means is that if someone’s work is not deemed by the market to be worth that wage, workers will not be employed to do those jobs. In some cases, technology that was previously too expensive will now become economical and will be used to replace human workers.
An example of this is provided on page two.
Don’t pick on me I have a lot of learning disabilities some ppl can’t get great paying jobs and dident old men start up fast food joints by the way old men worked them kids should be learning and working yes but a lot of ppl don’t have the chance or way to make it 15 not going to hurt us it hurts the fast food Giants I’d pay some old guy maybe a vet who can’t do any thing els 15 $ to make me a burger
Don’t pick on me I have a lot of learning disabilities some ppl can’t get great paying jobs and dident old men start up fast food joints by the way old men worked them kids should be learning and working yes but a lot of ppl don’t have the chance or way to make it 15 not going to hurt us it hurts the fast food Giants I’d pay some old guy maybe a vet who can’t do any thing els 15 $ to make me a burger
I have learning disability so it’s not way to just go to school for some it’s not a choice 15 nothing to the fast food Giants every thing els has gone up why not pay what roung with that u ever try to work a fast good job I have for 7 years it sucks . And dident old ppl start up fast food it wasn’t kids was it it was adults
Anthony, my point is, some jobs are not worth 15$ an hour, that is the reason people without skills need to try to improve their skill set by going to school/trade school which makes it easier to find a better paying job.
Henry, although I agree with what ur saying for the most part, but those are turning put to be some of the only attainable jobs for some people. There are less and less real jobs available in this economy. People are turning to wherever they can for work, especially here in Detroit. I do not believe that these people deserve 15$ an hour. But no one can live off of 9$ a hour by themselves, and that itself is against the law. Business must pay a livable wage. That hasn’t been for a long time now.
Tony Tocco you are also correct,but i grew in cicero ill the amount of factories there in 60s 70s and 80s was mind boggling where have they all gone to and why my favorite argument with my friends and neighbors is the auto industry which i was part of for 30 yrs ,well for the last 45 yrs I’ve watched people by more foreign cars ,the condition of Detroit is proof and nafta was another problem ,whether you agree with me or not but i think President Trump is on the right track ,i hope I’m right ,but we need to bring industry back to the US but giving h.s. kids 15 bucks an hr. If macdonalds is the best job you can get then start at community college,tnx for listening
More of this to come! Business is business and money talks.
Think before you demand.
Mark $15.00 per hour means $7.50 per hamburger. You do the math.