Welfare is one of the most heated debates among American citizens. Those who believe it’s a poor use of government spending are always at odds with those who keep getting the checks in the mail. Anybody able to approach the topic from an outside perspective can see why the entire concept of welfare might be upsetting to people who actually work for a living.
While there might some rare cases where people actually need government assistance, a majority of Americans currently on welfare are either immigrants or people who don’t want to work because they the government keeps sending them money, like the 30-year-old mother from Baltimore who has been on welfare for 12 years.
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not any more.thanks for showing this.trump is riding the career collectors.time to get a job.
Drug test them all
Too lazy to work……
As long as they have kids they get it. Don’t blame her blame the government. I would think she is not married, but the kids father does so she is living good, why work.
Free ur mind ur$#%&!@*will follow!!!!!!!!!
This woman looks perfectly capable of getting a job. She needs to quit being a welfare hoe.
Who pays for her iPhone?
These r the kinda people that don’t want to work and expect the working class to support them ,they need to be made to work at least part time to receive help from the government it’s not our place to completely support them
Again this is why im$#%&!@*goverment assitance this lazy good for nothing$#%&!@*needs to work. Trump send her to work on the wall she can work on the mexico side then when the walls done leave her$#%&!@*over there.
Each one of her four kids probably has a different Daddy, that’s another problem that needs fixed is making these deadbeat dad’s provide for their own children. Including her, she can work too. Pathetic