Welfare is one of the most heated debates among American citizens. Those who believe it’s a poor use of government spending are always at odds with those who keep getting the checks in the mail. Anybody able to approach the topic from an outside perspective can see why the entire concept of welfare might be upsetting to people who actually work for a living.
While there might some rare cases where people actually need government assistance, a majority of Americans currently on welfare are either immigrants or people who don’t want to work because they the government keeps sending them money, like the 30-year-old mother from Baltimore who has been on welfare for 12 years.
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And we owe her what? Not a damn thing!
This is the America Ovommitt created!!
Welfare was not meant to be a career for these people. Taxpayers house, feed and educate these bloodsuckers. Drug test, require 20 hours community service per week. Require them to renew welfare benefits and medicade on a monthly basis. Limit welfare benefits to only 3 months per year to these leeches and they can pay for their own damn education.
Where did she get money for the taboos on her body? Has anyone noticed that lots of these “poor single mothers” who are on welfare have tattoos? I love tattoos, but I cannot afford to get one because I have to but food and pay utilities and pay for a place of shelter.
Get rid of welfare and food assistance and watch our problems vanish. The free ride is over. Deport all illegals and refugees.
It is POS like her that gives all welfare users, genuine ones, a bad name!
Slot of the people on welfare make more sitting at home doing nothing than if they were to get a full time job, and u know what I don’t blame them. If I could make more money being on government assistance than I could having a full time job I’d be on it too. This is also why there’s so many drug dealers. No one wants to spend their lives eating$#%&!@*and being told is caviar
The government created this mess now Donald is gonna put a stop to it. That’s why almost half my paycheck goes to taxes. But I guarantee you that if I were to fall short I wouldn’t even qualify for help. That’s exactly what’s wrong with this c**p. My son was in the Airforce for 5 years, served a tour in Iraq, when he got out he needed assistance for a short time to get on his feet, well guess what he was denied. How does this happen in America. While he is doing great now, I look back and wonder how this happens to our military.
I am not supporting her anymore
Ok . My question is would you hire her ? Next is how does her situation make her a welfare queen ? This was very calculated in showing a Brown skinned lady . Now why don’t you show corporate welfare kings and emperors? You like General Electric or ExxonMobil? I’m sure you’re aware of the term ” internal profits external costs ” . Where we the people pay for naval escorts free of charge for Exxon oil tankers ? So if the state were to take her off welfare what would happen to her children ? You show the problem but what is your solution ? Why not go into the red states and show poor white people on public aid who are as you say “queens ” ? I’ll tell you why . For it easier to hate on poor and conditioned Brown and Black people . Where as whites in this situation might be viewed with empathy . The rich created this with their two party dictatorship.