Welfare is one of the most heated debates among American citizens. Those who believe it’s a poor use of government spending are always at odds with those who keep getting the checks in the mail. Anybody able to approach the topic from an outside perspective can see why the entire concept of welfare might be upsetting to people who actually work for a living.
While there might some rare cases where people actually need government assistance, a majority of Americans currently on welfare are either immigrants or people who don’t want to work because they the government keeps sending them money, like the 30-year-old mother from Baltimore who has been on welfare for 12 years.
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Looks awful healthy to be on welfare
Well it’s time to kick her lazy$#%&!@*off of assistance and make her get a job or starve
Time for her to grow up and off welfare.
This makes me furious. You know something people never think about, is how much money these people are STEALING from people who desperately need it. In my job I see disabled people on a daily basis, and what makes me sick is the government can barely help them, because so many of these disgusting human beings, are taking all the money. If we had a program where if you on welfare, you only get your check after you have done 40 hours of trash pick up along the roads, or some other type of work, I guarantee these people would find work fast. Then the people who really need it could actually get the help they need.
Young able bodied people should never be on welfare. They are capable of holding just about any job out there, physical or sedentary. If they have children then put them in daycare like most working mothers do and get them off their lazy butts.
she looks plenty able to earn a living !!!!we have been such suckers for so long to so many !!!!!!
Take her off wellfare! No cent! Then let’s see what happens!
No welfare for able-bodied people, or illegal immigrants.
I agree with at least trash pick up, or community service.
Make them earn it.
she needs to get a job, she’s not entitled to anything but life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
But she has money for tatoos?? Yeah, cut her off